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New CALPADS Data Collection Requirements for Expanded Learning Programs: AB 1113 Implementation

Important updates for all LEAs receiving funding for expanded learning programs as mandated by Assembly Bill 1113.

Note: Attendly proactively reached out to CALPADS on December 10, 2024. We held our first meeting with CALPADS and CDE January 16, 2025 - we learned we were the only afterschool software provider to do this.. We then met with CALPADS and CDE representatives on February 28, 2025.

AB 1113 Legislation and What's Changing

Assembly Bill 1113 (AB 1113), signed into law in 2023, established significant accountability measures for expanded learning programs in California. As part of this legislation's implementation, the California Department of Education is instituting new data collection requirements.

Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, California Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) receiving funding for any of the following programs will face new reporting requirements as mandated by AB 1113:

  1. Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP)
  2. After School Education and Safety (ASES)
  3. 21st Century Community Learning Centers program

These LEAs will be required to submit and certify data on student participation in these programs as part of the End-of-Year (EOY) 3 submission to CALPADS. This is not optional - LEAs receiving funding for these programs will not be able to certify their EOY 3 submission if they fail to submit this data.

What Data Must Be Collected?

As explained by the California Department of Education during their February 28, 2025 information session, LEAs will be required to submit the following to CALPADS:

1. Program Enrollment Records

  • An "Expanded Learning program record" for each student that is "enrolled" in an expanded learning program (Education Program Code 194)
  • "Enrolled" is defined as any student whose parents or guardians signed an expanded learning program registration form
  • This can include online registration forms with electronic signatures

2. Start Date Information

  • The "Start Date" of the program record
  • "Start Date" is defined as the date the registration form was signed
  • For programs where registration occurs well before the program begins (e.g., registering in February for a program that starts in August), this date requirement may be revisited by the CDE

3. Attendance Data

  • At the end of the school year, the total number of days the student attended an expanded learning program in the academic year (between July 1 – June 30 of the following year)
  • "An expanded learning day" is a day that a student attended any of the expanded learning programs
  • One "day" is any part of a day
  • If a student attends in the morning and afternoon of the same day, it is counted as "one" day
  • If a student attends for 5 minutes it is counted as "one" day
  • For students who registered but never attended, a "0" should be reported

What Information Will LEAs Need to Collect?

To meet the CALPADS reporting requirements, each LEA must collect or receive from their vendor the following information for each student enrolled in their LEA:

  1. The Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) or local identifier of the student
  2. The date the registration form was signed (if vendor has this information)
  3. The total number of days the student attended between July 1 and June 30 (FY), including "0" if the student was registered and never attended
  4. Other data that may be identified by the LEA:
    • The first and last day the student attended (optional but recommended)

Important Notes About Program Funding and Reporting

During the February 28, 2025 information session, CDE officials clarified several key points:

  • LEAs may have multiple expanded learning programs with different funding sources (ELOP, ASES, 21st Century)
  • For reporting purposes, CDE is only concerned with whether a student participated in any expanded learning program, not which specific funding source supported that participation
  • When different funding sources are combined to support a single program, LEAs do not need to attribute specific days of attendance to specific funding sources
  • This attendance data collection is separate from any detailed evaluation data that may be required for ASES or 21st Century grant programs

Key Timeline

  • 2025-26 School Year: First year when LEAs must collect the required expanded learning program data (July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026)
  • July 2026: First EOY 3 Submission certification deadline for this new data requirement
  • August 2026: Amendment Window closes

This means the first time LEAs will be required to submit expanded learning program data to CALPADS will be in July 2026, covering participation during the 2025-26 school year.

Action Items for Program Administrators

Work with LEA SIS/CALPADS Staff

  • Work with your LEA to identify how, what, and when data will be provided
  • If data are already provided to LEA, determine if that data can be used to meet CALPADS reporting requirements, or if existing processes must be modified
  • Begin planning now to ensure your data collection systems can capture all required information by the 2025-26 school year

Review Current Data Processes

  • Evaluate your current registration forms to ensure they capture sign-up dates
  • Implement or refine attendance tracking systems to count program days according to the definitions provided
  • Establish protocols for identifying students by SSID or local identifier
  • Develop a timeline and process for providing this data to LEA staff in early July 2026

Submission Timeline Planning

  • LEAs need to have all required data available for submission by early July 2026
  • The EOY 3 submission deadline in July 2026 is critical - failure to submit this data will prevent certification of the entire EOY 3 submission
  • As noted in the information session, "Most of the data that school districts submit as part of the end of year submission is used by the department to calculate statewide indicators on the California School Dashboard, which is California's accountability system for schools."

AB 1113 Compliance and Next Steps

Assembly Bill 1113 introduced comprehensive reforms to expanded learning programs, including provisions to enhance data collection, ensure equitable access, strengthen program quality, and establish clear accountability measures. These new CALPADS reporting requirements directly support the legislation's goals of:

  • Enhancing program accountability through improved data collection
  • Enabling better tracking of student participation and program effectiveness
  • Supporting more equitable allocation of resources
  • Providing transparency in program implementation

Compliance with these reporting requirements is mandatory for all LEAs receiving funding for the specified expanded learning programs under AB 1113. We recommend:

  1. Scheduling a meeting with your LEA's CALPADS administrator to discuss these requirements
  2. Reviewing your current data collection systems and identifying any gaps
  3. Developing a plan to address those gaps before the 2025-26 school year begins

Remember: Failure to submit this data will prevent LEAs from certifying their EOY 3 submission, which could potentially impact funding. Early preparation will ensure a smooth transition to these new requirements.

For questions or additional information about AB 1113 implementation or these new data collection requirements, please contact your district's CALPADS administrator or the California Department of Education's Expanded Learning Division.

About AB 1113

Assembly Bill 1113 was introduced to strengthen California's expanded learning programs by:

  • Establishing a comprehensive framework for expanded learning program implementation
  • Creating stronger connections between school-day instruction and expanded learning opportunities
  • Increasing access to quality expanded learning programs for students from underserved communities
  • Mandating data collection to evaluate program effectiveness and ensure funds are being used appropriately
  • Setting quality standards for program implementation across the state

These CALPADS data collection requirements represent a crucial component of AB 1113's implementation and will help ensure that expanded learning programs are effectively serving California's students.

This information is based on guidance from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) and the California Department of Education (CDE) as of February 28, 2025.

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